Largest increase in alcohol consumption in the United States in almost two decades

In 2020, beverage alcohol consumption in the US saw the largest volume gain in nearly 20 years.

IWSR forecasts global beverage alcohol to gain 3% volume in 2021

The global drinks industry is showing positive signs of recovery and will grow in volume by 2.9% by the end of 2021, according to new IWSR forecasts.

Coronavirus shutdown has little impact on Belgian alcohol consumption levels

A study suggests that alcohol consumption has remained broadly stable during the coronavirus lockdown in Belgium.

10% of male cancer due to alcohol

10% of cancer in males and 3% in women is attributable to alcohol, according to Europe-wide research by the British Medical Journal.

BBPA and WSTA defend UK drinking record

UK: Trade bodies Wine and Spirits Trade Association (WSTA) and the British Beer and Pub Association (BBPA) have denied that UK alcohol consumption is rising.